Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Love the City || Serve the City

I love my city.  I haven't always been able to say that and mean it.  Now, I have said it in the past but it felt different than it does these days.  When most people say they love their city they mean they enjoy the local bakery or they like the schools or they find their neighborhood appealing.  But do you really love your city?  It's not a nostalgic feeling but it's action.  Loving the city isn't looking to the city for what it can give you but what you can give in return.  I understand this at a deeper level after coaching football as a volunteer at the local high school this fall.  It was a privilege coaching the Vikings of North Kitsap High School and serving the city I now love.  As my family begins to look for more ways to serve and love the city we look forward to Jesus growing our hearts for the people of Poulsbo.  This Christmas let us serve the city like Jesus has served us.  If you say you love the city...prove it...serve the city.