Friday, February 24, 2012

The Power of Home

Downtown Poulsbo
There is something powerful when someone has a true sense of home.  When your roots go deep and a sense of pride wells up when you think about the community you live in.  When you cheer on the local team when they win and you're crushed when they fail.  When you feel like you had something to do with the girl next door graduating with honors.  When tragedy strikes and you feel the sting without even knowing those involved.  When you stop caring about what goes on in the "big city" and you care more about what goes on in "your city."  That's something powerful.

Last night I had the privilege of sitting in a room full of people who have an incredibly strong sense of home.  It was one of the more meaningful moments I have been a part of.  Not just because these friends love their zip code, or quaint streets or the houses that make up their little town, but because Jesus has grown their hearts for their "home."  I heard story after story about how families want to see the mission grow in our town so that our children grow up moving the mission forward.  It. was. powerful.  I am forever changed by their stories and so grateful to be on the mission with them.  It is going to be fun seeing Jesus invade our little home to do some pretty extraordinary things.  OTM.